Napier Park and Stirling Place, Luton
Augur had a development management role on Napier Park, a 60 acre brownfield site previously occupied by Vauxhall van plant, adjoining Luton Parkway Station. The site benefits from close proximity to Luton Airport, direct access to Luton Parkway station (21 minutes from London St Pancras) and is 2.2km away from J10A on the M1.
Augur’s role was to maximise land value through achieving a commercially viable planning permission and s106 agreement across the site, together with the implementation of extensive enabling works both on and off site.
Augur worked in partnership with the Local Planning authority to create a new viable solution for the stalled brownfield site.
The Council approved Augur’s planning application for the following uses:
• Up to 625 residential units
• A foodstore – 50,000 sq ft
• Ancillary retail – 45,000 sq ft
• Hotel – 125 beds
• Offices – 340,000 sq ft
• Light industrial/storage – 180,000 sq ft
The infrastructure and enabling phase of the project has been completed over an 18 month period encompassing c£10m of expenditure to enable development of the various land plots at Napier Park.
Augur were also successful in transferring ownership of different elements of the site to General Motors, London Luton Airport Ltd, Redrow Plc and Strawberry Star.